Raccoon Removal From Attic/Home
Raccoons often seek out attics for shelter and a quiet and safe place to give birth and rear their young. They gain access through Roof joints, roof vents, and even by pushing in or ripping out soffit vents which run along our homes underneath where the roof overhangs the side of the house, and any other weak or compromised spot on both new and existing homes and buildings. Raccoons can cause extensive damage by completely destroying AC ductwork and electrical lines and urinating and defecating on insulation in the attic which can lead to contamination, fire, health issues, and even disease. It is sometimes extremely difficult to convince a pregnant raccoon or a new mother raccoon to leave her nest, this can sometimes force a trapper to have to physically search out and remove the raccoon and babies by hand. Another method is to apply a safe non-toxic deterrent or repellent in key locations in hopes of convincing the mother raccoon that there is a threat nearby and that the attic is no longer a safe place for her to raise her babies, forcing her to leave the attic taking her babies with her, by placing a monitor at the access points we can see when the mother raccoon has left the attic and at that time the attic can be professionally sealed by our technician to insure there is no future re-entry. (Sealing the attic before the mother is able to remove her young will result in the death of the young and possibly even more damage to the attic.)

Outdoor Raccoon / Opossum Trapping
A common problem with raccoons is swimming pool contamination, raccoons prefer to defecate where there’s water therefore a backyard pool or bird bath is the perfect bathroom for a raccoon. Raccoons have been known to go through great lengths for food and will frequently raid garbage cans, fruit trees, and steal pet food if left outside or even on an outdoor patio, leaving behind feces and possibly disease. Standard raccoon trapping consists of setting 1 to 2 live cage traps for approximately one to two weeks subsequently trapping any raccoons or opossums frequenting the property or surroundings.

Bat Exclusion
Bats are extremely beneficial animals here in South Florida, and throughout the country ,a single bat can eat up to 200 mosquitoes in one night and all though bats have been known to carry rabies there are very few cases of bats biting people here in Florida and most bats usually go unnoticed. Unfortunately, bat guano (droppings) is very toxic to humans and although bats themselves are beneficial they must be removed from attics and homes for this reason. The bats we have here in South Florida are a federally protected species and bat exclusions must be done by a licensed professional and are prohibited during their breeding season (April 15 to August 15). At Treasure Coast Trapping we have perfected a one way door exclusion technique which allows the bats to exit the attic on their own with little to no stress to the bats or the environment. (We also offer complete attic insulation sanitization and restoration.)

Iguana Trapping And Removal
Iguanas are an invasive species here in South Florida, they are more aggressive and much larger than our native lizard and therefore can very quickly take over territory and drive native species out. Although normally skittish when approached they can bite, and will use their long tail to whip and defend themselves. This tail is powerful and has been known to break the skin and even injure the eyes of pets and unsuspecting human handlers that have gotten too close. Iguanas are very quick fast-moving animals and can prove difficult to trap. Standard iguana trapping can last up to two weeks or more and consist of multiple live traps. Also cutting down on their food source is a good way to keep iguana populations down around your home and property.

Snake Removal
Most native snakes we encounter here in South Florida are nonvenomous, although due to our tropical climate it has become home to numerous populations of invasive reptile species, if you are not 100% certain with what species of snake you are dealing with a trained professional should always be called, and Treasure Coast Trapping offers same day emergency service for all venomous snake calls. (561) 702-2167. During the warmer summer months snakes will often seek shelter inside homes and garages or anywhere that is a little cooler then the scorching outside temperatures and in the colder winter months they will often seek out warmer locations, (all reptiles are cold blooded and therefore must regulate their own body temperature.) Even dead snakes have been known to envenomate people when they were accidentally pierced by one of the snake’s fangs so removal should always be done by a licensed venomous snake handler. Dead logs and other debris can also be removed from your property to deter future snakes from nesting.

Bee Removal
Bees are a keystone species and a vital part of our ecosystem here in South Florida. At Treasure Coast Trapping we take great pride in the ability to remove and relocate native honey bees.

New And Existing Home And Building “Critter Proofing”
Rats, mice as well as raccoons and opossums will seek out attics with easy access in order to find a safe harborage or nesting place. The insulation and limited access makes attics a prime location and It can prove very difficult to locate these access points, any access point larger than a quarter inch in diameter is enough room for a mouse to get through and a rat has no problem fitting through any hole only a half inch in diameter, these access points are the key to solving your rodent problem for good. Unfortunately many homeowners and even many rodent and pest control companies will over look or even all out disregard these access points and try to eliminate the problem with trapping or poison bait alone, but leaving even one access point open can make for certain re-infestation. Rats and mice live about one year and during this time they reproduce multiple times and their teeth never stop growing so they must constantly naw and chew to keep them from getting too long, rats are able to chew through almost anything and cheap materials and foams, even “rodent proof foams”, will not keep them out for long. That’s why at treasure coast trapping we use only the highest grade materials to ensure that our repairs will stay intact and that there will be no re-entry. After we have located any and all access points we will seal them up completely, any rodents trapped inside the attic will be trapped out and removed ( if poisons are used for rat exclusion it can cause rats to die in inaccessible areas, these dead rats could smell for days even weeks). Sealed correctly it will take about 7 to 10 days to trap out any and all rodents from an average sized attic. After trapping is complete we will place a rodent activity monitor with in the home or attic to further insure that we have eliminated the infestation completely and that no entry points were missed or left open.